Friday, August 22, 2008

Where do I start?

So you want to be a vegetarian, but where do you start? The first thing to understand that it’s no big deal! It’s not like you are going to become a skinny, unhealthy human specimen. Millions of people from all over the world are vegetarian and some cultures have been vegetarians for thousands of years. Look at India for example, where vegetarianism is still prevalent in their society even today. If you are dining at a restaurant there, you will be asked if you are veg or non-veg, which goes to show that a vast majority of the population are still vegetarian. The Indian population isn’t exactly emaciated, some of them are even a little on the voluptuous side and their health definitely benefits from a meat-free diet. Stokes, heart attacks and bowel cancer is much less common in India than in the western world where meat is consumed in huge proportions.

Many Asian countries have also followed a vegetarian diet for centuries. There are literally millions of Buddhists in the world today who are vegetarians and they are shining examples of the wonderful health benefits that vegetarianism brings. When you look at that lovely, round, glowing Buddhist faces, you see a healthy vitality and skin to die for that remains youthful well into old age.

So we only need to look at some prominent examples of vegetarians from around the world to see that they have been living happily and healthily without meat for a long, long time. To access some great vegetarian recipes check out the Australian School of Meditation and Yoga website at
