Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What about calcium, B12 and Zinc?

Here are three more questions that are very commonly asked by people ready to make the change to a vegetarian lifestyle.

Where will I get my Calcium?

This is not a worry at all on a lacto-vegetarian diet as good sources are found in dairy products, tofu processed with calcium sulfate, and in green leafy vegetables.

Where will I get my B12?

Vitamin B12 is only required in very small proportions and is stored in the body for years. The only type of vegetarian who will need to supplement their diet with a B12 supplement are vegans, who do not consume any animal product at all including dairy products. As for lacto-vegetarians, good sources of B12 are found in dairy products. Only 1-2 glasses of milk will supply the body with more than enough B12.

Fermented soy products, for example tempeh and miso may contain some B12, but due to different processing techniques, it is an unreliable source of B12.

Where will I get my Zinc?

This is not a problem for someone on a healthy vegetarian diet. Good sources of zinc are found in nuts and seeds, wholegrains, lentils, chickpeas, whole milk and yoghurt.

If you have more questions regarding nutrition on a vegetarian diet, don’t hesitate to contact me or you may like to come along to one of our popular vegetarian cooking classes held at the Australian School of Meditation and Yoga For information and dates check out our comprehensive website at
